We appreciate everyone that has volunteered to to bring something to our Staff Holiday Lunch this Wednesday, December 13th. We still need a few “seasoned” pasta dishes to celebrate the team that makes Sequoia Middle such a exceptional school. Please sign up here to contribute.
We would also like to thank all of you who donated to the purchase of gift cards for teachers and staff. Your generosity is greatly valued.
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The deadline for our Walkathon/Fun Run fundraiser has been extended until this Friday, December 8th. You can use the QR code below for credit card payments, or pay by cash/check in the office.
Students earn a raffle ticket for every $25 they raise. Winners will be awarded gift cards to local businesses! Drawing will be done on Monday, December 11th. You can still fundraise and earn tickets even if you didn’t participate in the event!
Thanks to everyone who walked/ran, the Leadership team for cheering them on, and the P.E. teachers who helped facilitate the 5K… you are all appreciated!
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Students have two chances to get moving on Wednesday, November 15, 2023!
During grade level lunch, the P.E. department will be “running” a Turkey Trot where participants can win an actual turkey!
After school, from 1:30 to 2:30 pm, the PFC will host a 5K Walkathon/Fun Run fundraiser. Students can be sponsored per lap or with a lump sum (see pledge form below). They will earn a raffle ticket for every $25 they raise. Winners will be selected at the event and be awarded gift cards to local businesses!
(The after-school 5K Walkathon/Fun Run fundraiser has been postponed until November 29, 2023 due to the wet weather forecast.)
This Wednesday, October 18th from 10 am to 10 pm, we will earn 20% of all fundraiser sales at Panda Express, 2380 Monument Boulevard, in the Kohl’s Pleasant Hill shopping center!
Order ahead online or in the app and enter 361231 in the fundraiser code box.
If ordering in person, just show this flyer on your phone.
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We had to face hard facts and make some difficult decisions at our first General Meeting. Not having an in-person walk (or drive) through for all grades greatly impacted our ability to collect donations. Even if planned fundraisers are successful throughout the year, our capital will still be significantly short of costs.
Certain expenses cannot be cut. For example, we’ve already committed to paying a $23,000 portion of the school counselors’ salaries. So, other expenses have to be reduced or eliminated. Based on information presented by the Treasurer, our school community voted to make the following cuts to this year’s budget.
All remaining (After reimbursements)
Teacher Grants
43% reduction (Grants reduced from $250 to $110 per teacher*)
Admin Budget
Career Day
Character Building
Office Supplies
56% Reduction
Business Insurance
48% Reduction
*Receipts for purchases made prior to the meeting (up to $250) will be honored.
In addition to the budget cuts, we are also committing to an online auction, which will hopefully close the $10,000 gap.
It’s not too late… you can help! If you haven’t made your dollar-a-day donation, do it now! We appreciate any amount you can contribute. Your donations decide whether or not teacher grants can be fully funded or if we can contribute to counselors’ salaries next year. Together, we can definitely make a difference!
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You might have missed our table at Walkthrough or not had time to donate during Back to School night, but you can still help us reach our fundraising goal! Last year the PFC raised over $20,000 in the first few weeks of school, so far we have raised less than $5,000.
If having a School Counselor is important to you, please donate. If you want Homework Club and the Renaissance program to continue, please donate. If supporting teachers and staff is a priority, please donate.
We need help from the Sequoia community. With enough donations, we can fund all of these things and more! Without them, vital line items will have to be cut from our budget. We suggest a donation of $180 per student, a dollar for each instructional day, but are grateful for any amount you can contribute.
Let’s turn that 10% into 100%! Check out our donations page to find which payment option works best for you.
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With just a dollar a day, you can help fully fund our PFC!
By donating $180, a dollar for each instructional day of the school year, you can support the success of our students. Your donation goes directly to the salary of our School Counselors, Homework Club and the Renaissance Program for academic achievement. It reimburses teachers for their supplies and lets us show all school staff how much they are appreciated.
Visit our donations page to learn about payment options and decide which one works for you. You’ll feel good knowing you’re making the difference with a dollar a day, everyday!